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  Why call The Home Improver?
  There are many reasons people call in The Home Improver. We all think our home is lovely and we’ve got it just how we like it, and          that’s fine if you don’t intend moving. But our home is one of the biggest investments we have, isn’t it only right to give it the         b          best chance of a quick sale at the best possible price?

    1.   Some buyers can’t see past another person’s personal decor.
    2.   Your home may be a bit tired and sometimes we just need a helping hand.
    3.   You’re too busy, and often a fresh pair of eyes can work wonders.

  I will help you present your house to appeal to as many buyers as possible, without it looking drab or boring.

  The best time to call in The Home Improver is, before the estate agents photographer steps over the threshold.                                      You want them and potential buyers to see your home at its best.


  How much does it cost?

  Initial Consultation and Detailed Report..................................................£200.00
  The initial consultation will take 2 – 3 hours discussing what your needs are, walking throughout the property to see where I can help,    seeing if there are things you could do yourself to help keep the costs down. I will then proceed to put together a detailed report of the    works to be done.
  Payment of £100 will be needed once the first appointment is made, then the remaining £100 when the report is completed and ready    to be sent to you.
  Trade prices vary according to which trade and how much work is to be done, a quotation will be given in the report these can range      from £100 - £250 per day.
  At the initial meeting we will discuss your budget for work to be carried out.
  Some properties only need work in one or two areas, but others may need the whole house.  There is no one price fits all.


  My house has been on the market for months, can The Home Improver Help?
  Yes, all is not lost. You can start afresh. Once the work is completed, insist the estate agents have new photographs done and a mail       shot is put out to all the clients on their books to look again.  Remember you pay their wages – you’re the boss.


  I love where I live and don’t want to move, but have no idea how to give my home a new look. Can you help?
  You don’t have to be moving house to call in The Home Improver. 

  Maybe you don’t know where to start

  You’ve got the ideas but haven’t got the time

  You can’t, or are unable to do the work needed

  Or any combination of the above.

  From giving advice through to doing the entire job from beginning to end. I can provide an objective point of view to inspire you.


  What happens next

  Thank you for choosing The Home Improver.

  Now you've made the decision to use the services of The Home Improver an appointment will be made for me to come to your home      for our first consultation which will last around 2 -3 hours.  We will discuss the areas that need targeting, your budget and the prices      for the different services you may need. I will need to see the whole house, take notes, measurements and photographs (purely for          my own reference).

  I will draw up a detailed report on the work to be done. This will prioritise the rooms I will be working on. Making suggestions                  regarding what to clear or keep in the rooms, colours, furnishings etc.  By seeing the whole house I can include general advice on            other areas inside and outside, which will help make the house the place potential buyers would want to own.

  You will receive the report via post or email without obligation to take further services. 

  If you decide you want to use The Home Improver, we'll work out a convenient starting date.

Thank you for taking the time to look at The Home Improver website, I hope you feel inspired and excited to get things moving.



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